The Night Ministry continues to lead the way in developing innovative models of care and outreach to Chicago’s homeless community. Our plan forward will be funded by a campaign to provide housing, health care and human connection for individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty through:

A move to and improvements of a building at 1735 North Ashland for The Crib, our emergency overnight shelter for young adults, the Outreach and Health Ministry Program, including our Health Outreach Bus and other outreach vehicles, and our central office.

A capacity building and sustainability fund for our first 3 years of operation in 1735 North Ashland.

Enhanced care at the pregnant & parenting program for young mothers (RAPPP).

Growing The Night Ministry’s endowment to $5M or more in order to facilitate resiliency in responding to future needs.

The Campaign for The Night Ministry

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All pledges to The Campaign for The Night Ministry can be fulfilled over a three-year timeframe.

If you have any questions, or if you would like to make a gift of stock, please contact Christy Prassas at 773-506-6023 or